MEPs vote on the candidate for the president of the European Commission on Tuesday 16 July.
German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, who was nominated for the post by the European Council, will outline her programme and discuss it with MEPs from 9.00 CET. MEPs will vote on her candidacy at 18.00 CET.
In order to become Commission President, von der Leyen must secure the support of an absolute majority of MEPs (as of today she must get at least 374 votes). The vote will be a secret paper ballot.
Although she has the backing of EU leaders and is a member of the political party that won most seats in the European elections, von der Leyen was not a lead candidate, a fact criticised by many MEPs.
Political groups have already subjected von der Leyen to tough questioning about her plans for the Commission.
If she fails to win a majority, the European Council would have to put forward another candidate.
Following May’s elections, one of the first tasks of the new, directly-elected European Parliament is the election of the next European Commission President.
Once this new president has been approved, work starts on setting up the new Commission. Parliament’s committees will hold hearings with each of the commissioners-designate to assess their suitability for the portfolio to which they are assigned, before MEPs vote on the Commission as a whole.
Click below to watch the debate and the vote on the new Commission President live in Parliament on 16 July from 9.00 CET.
Ref.: 20190711STO56841