According to the President, these elections demonstrated that Europeans believed in Europe and cared about its fate and future. This belief was confirmed not only the highest voter turnout in 40 years which has exceeded 50 percent but also the confidence in pro-European parties representing traditional values.
The European People’s Party that unites the center-right political forces received the largest number of mandates in the European Parliament. The second largest party is the European Socialist Party. Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe came out third. The European Green Party got more seats in the European Parliament.
According to the President, the election results demonstrate political maturity of Europeans. The EU citizens are not only able to select real values, but are also prepared to defend them.
The President also stressed that the fact that Eurosceptic parties received more seats in the European Parliament is a reminder to everyone that the European project cannot be taken for granted. It is the result of consistent work of over 60 years and unity of the European people which has established not only an exemplary model of democracy, human rights, and freedoms but also a cornerstone of peace, prosperity and security in the old continent.
The European elections held a few days ago marked the beginning of the political cycle of the EU institutions – after the elections members of the European Commission will have to be nominated and the new President of the European Council appointed.
It is important for Lithuania that institutional changes do not adversely affect the EU decision-making process, i.e., decisions that are important for Lithuania and Europe, such as the EU’s multiannual budget, must be adopted in a timely manner and reflect the interests of all parties.