Work-life balance
On Thursday, Parliament will debate and vote on new rules to improve parents and carers’ work-life balance. Proposals include the right to ten days of paternity leave, flexible working conditions and two months of paid parental leave.
MEPs will discuss on Wednesday the state of play on the UK 's withdrawal from the EU with representatives from the European Commission and the Council.
EU gas market
The Parliament will vote on new legislation on the EU gas market on Thursday. The new rules would ensure that the same rules apply to internal EU gas pipelines and pipelines coming from non-EU countries.
Truck drivers’ working conditions
Last week's vote on the rules concerning truck drivers’ rest periods and posting of drivers was postponed due to a large amount of amendments being tabled. The transport committee will now consider the amendments, while all MEPs vote on the package on Thursday.
Rule of law
On Thursday, the Parliament will vote on a new system that would allow the suspension of EU funds for governments interfering with courts or failing to tackle fraud and corruption.
European Social Fund Plus (ESF+)
Parliament will vote on Thursday on more funding for the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). MEPs want to see more resources devoted to getting young people employed and to ensure equal opportunities for children at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
Future of Europe
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will come to Brussels on Wednesday to exchange views on the future of Europe with MEPs. It will be the 19th debate in the series.
Ref.: 20190328STO33741