The President emphasized that insights and proposals made by the European Court of Auditors on the new multiannual financial framework were acceptable in principle and opinions of most member states coincided, but Lithuania still had its own funding priorities.
The President reminded that funding assigned to Lithuania in the new multiannual financial framework was not fair, since it suggested drastic cuts in cohesion funding and direct payments to farmers were still way behind the EU average, therefore Lithuania asked for a transitional period and gradual cuts in the EU support.
The President emphasized that the EU needs to implement its contractual obligations and fund the closure of Ignalina nuclear power plant until the project is fully completed and assign the amount corresponding the real decommissioning needs.
Other critical infrastructure projects such as Rail Baltica and the share of funding assigned to those projects in the EU budget was discussed at the meeting as well. Lithuania aims to secure EU funding for those projects.
According to the President, greater transparency in use of the European budget funds must be ensured, therefore the role of the European Court of Auditors, as a supervising authority, should be strengthened. Reorganization of activities and greater focus on operational audits should ensure better identification of likely risks. Prompt response to the rising problems would allow more effective use of the EU funds to achieve the set goals.
Cooperation among the EU member states and sharing of the best practices in implementation of corrective actions is particularly important and would allow to ensure better management of public funds of all EU member states.