Fair access to social security
Employees working in another EU country could benefit from new rules for the coordination of social security systems. The employment committee votes on them on Tuesday. The regulation covers unemployment, family benefits and long-term care benefits to ensure everyone has fair access to social security.
Human rights week
To mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Parliament hosts a Human Rights Week from 19 to 23 November, including a conference in Brussels on Tuesday on how to integrate human rights in business, sustainable development and relations with non-EU countries.
Common standards for the protection of whistle-blowers at EU level will be voted on by the legal affairs committee on Tuesday. MEPs want to broaden the definition of whistle-blower and have safeguards in place for those facing retaliation.
Protection from carcinogens
Cancer is the main work-related health problem in the EU and on Tuesday the employment committee votes on rules to limit workers’ exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. Five additional carcinogens used mainly in laboratories, construction work and the textile industry would be added to the list.
Autonomous vehicles
The transport committee is suggesting clear rules on autonomous vehicles like self-driving cars, drones transporting goods and air taxis as well as autonomous vessels in waterway transport. Members want to promote real-life testing and research, while ensuring data protection and consumer safety. The vote on this own-initiative report takes place on Thursday.
Youth parliament
On 19 November 800 young people, mostly from secondary schools, are coming to the Parliament to discuss some of the most relevant issues for them ahead of the European elections. This is the first ever youth parliament and you can follow the opening and closing ceremony live online.
Ref.: 20181116STO19209