"Ukrainian people are fighting for the democratic future of their country. Peaceful solution to the political crisis should be found as soon as possible to ensure Ukraine's political, economic and social stability. The European Union stands ready to help in every possible way the Ukrainian government and opposition to agree and resolve the current situation in the country," the President said.
Lithuania has already received four injured EuroMaidan participants for medical treatment. According to the President, our country is ready to continue providing medical assistance and care to the injured.
Dmitry Bulatov is the third person brought to Lithuania for medical treatment after he suffered injuries during the events in Ukraine. He is the leader of the civic campaign AutoMaidan. This campaign involves a group of independent car drivers recording with video cameras installed in cars the Ukrainian government's violence against people and informing about the developments in Kiev. The campaign is part of the EuroMaidan.
The situation in Ukraine was also among the topics discussed at the meeting of the President with German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week.