Reducing single-use plastics
On Wednesday the environment committee votes on new rules to reduce plastic in the sea and ban the most commonly found single-use items such as cutlery, plates, plastic cotton buds and straws by 2021.
The civil liberties committee votes Wednesday on a draft resolution calling for a full investigation into how Facebook data was misused for political purposes and how this affected data protection. The resolution follows MEPs' questioning of Facebook CEO Zuckerberg by MEPs over the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The plenary vote by all MEPs takes place later this month.
Sakharov Prize
Members of the foreign affairs and development committees together with the human rights subcommittee vote Tuesday on a shortlist of three candidates from the eight nominees for this year's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. On 25 October, the laureate will be announced and the prize will be awarded on 12 December.
Humanitarian visas
The civil liberties committee votes Wednesday on a legislative initiative calling for the setting up of humanitarian visas. It would allow asylum seekers to file a request at EU consulates abroad to travel to the EU, saving them from perilous journeys and avoiding having to resort to smugglers.
On Wednesday, Bono, U2 frontman and co-founder of the ONE Campaign, meets Parliament's political leaders in Brussels. The ONE Campaign is an international, campaigning organisation that fights extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa.
Rail passenger rights
Every year passengers travel more than 500 billion kilometres on Europe’s rail network. On Tuesday the transport committee votes on tougher rules to protect passengers' rights, similar to those for airline passengers.
EU's 2019 budget
The budget committee vote on the EU's Budget for next year. The plenary vote on the budget, involving all MEPs, will take place on 24 October.
Election observation conference
Parliament is hosting a conference on 10-11 October to discuss how voting technology has affected the credibility of elections as well as other challenges facing election observation missions around the world. The conference will be live streamed.
Western Balkans
The foreign affairs committee votes Tuesday on annual reports assessing the progress Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, FYROM and Albania are making towards EU membership.
Ref.: 20181005STO15105