Sexual harassment
On Tuesday the women's rights committee will vote on measures to combat mobbing and sexual harassment at work, in public spaces and in political life, including clarifying the terms, definitions and classifications for different types of gender-based violence.
Quality control
Products with the same brand name and packaging are sometimes sold with lower quality standards in other parts of the EU. On Thursday morning the internal market committee will vote on proposals to tackle the practice.
The industry and research committee will vote Tuesday morning on the introduction of a cybersecurity certification scheme for software and hardware such as smart white goods (washers, dryers, refrigerators), as well as a stronger role for the EU’s cybersecurity agency: the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (Enisa)
Single digital gateway
On Thursday, the internal market committee will vote on an agreement for the single digital gateway. It aims to give people and businesses online access to information and would for example allow them to apply for study loans, register a car, or request a residence certificate. A provisional agreement was reached with the Council on 24 March, but it will still need to be formally approved.
Work-life balance
Proposals to give fathers 10 days' paid leave after the birth of their child, the right to more flexible working hours for parents and leave for carers will be voted on by the employment committee on Wednesday afternoon.
Ref.: 20180706STO07406