In his opening address, Minister Linkevičius greeted the Lithuanian Swedish community and the Latvian and Estonian diasporas in Sweden and emphasised close cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic countries underpinned by common values and compliance with the same principles of democracy.
“I am happy to see the active and dynamic Lithuanian Swedish community that helps strengthen bilateral relations between Lithuania and Sweden by developing multi-cultural, social, economic, professional, and other ties between our countries,” the Foreign Minister of Lithuania said in his address.
He handed the historical Lithuanian flag to the representatives of the Lithuanian community and congratulated the Lithuanian folk dance group Baltija on its 15th anniversary.
Cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic countries and their security challenges in the Baltic Sea region were discussed at the four-party meeting of the Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, and Swedish foreign ministers.
Linas Linkevičius noted, “Bearing in mind the present geopolitical challenges in the region, it is important to continue efforts in promoting cooperation in the area of security, cyber and hybrid threat prevention, and resistance to propaganda. It is also of great importance to further consolidate solidarity and solid partnership between the EU and NATO and to develop transatlantic cooperation.”
The 100th Anniversary Fund of SEK 30 million, set up by the Swedish Government and announced by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Margot Wallström, will facilitate still closer direct contacts and cooperation between the populations of Sweden and the three Baltic states.