“The EU solidarity is essential for the negotiations on the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU, as well as for maintaining sanctions against Russia and supporting Ukraine’s reforms, if we want the EU to be able to meet the current political, economic, and security challenges,” Lithuania’s Foreign Minister said.
The meeting also discussed the bilateral relationship between Lithuania and Ireland. Linkevičius emphasized the potential for the development of bilateral relations in the areas of economy, education, science, and for working on expanding relations with universities to offer student exchange programs.
The Chairman of the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence of the National Parliament of Ireland Smith is visiting Lithuania on 10-13 March. On 11 March, he attended a solemn commemorative event on the occasion of the Day of the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence in the Seimas. In addition, Smith is also holding meetings with representatives from the Ministry of National Defence and Committees of the Seimas.