According to the President, the multiannual budget is a great deal more than a mere re-allocation of funds. It is a tool to create the Community’s welfare, security and future. The new financial framework should be aimed at delivering projects of importance to the entire Community, responding to common challenges and ensuring equal development of all member states.
One of the key budget priorities for Lithuania is to achieve a level of direct payments to its farmers as close as possible to that of the old-timers. It is the only way to create equal competitive conditions for all EU farmers.
Even though Lithuania’s level of development is nearing the European average, differences between the economic welfare of member states are still there. It is therefore very important to allocate sufficient funds for cohesion in order to ensure Lithuania’s rapid development.
EU funding is needed for strategic interconnection projects, including the synchronization of power grids, the construction of gas links and the Rail Baltica transport corridor. These projects, which will contribute to EU economic integration, are crucial to the security and wellbeing of the region.
We need further support to the Ignalina nuclear power plant. A safe and transparent decommissioning process is an issue of concern not only to the region, but also to the Community. EU’s commitment to finance the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant is included in the Accession Treaty of Lithuania.
Brexit and its consequences will also have to be taken into account when negotiating the multiannual financial framework. With the United Kingdom out of the EU, the financing of the budget may be reduced by an annual sum of 13 billion euros. EU member states will have to decide how to provide sufficient funding to ongoing programs and to future priority projects.