It will be easier for Europeans to buy goods or services online from other EU countries, as they will no longer be blocked or re-routed based on their location, under new rules that MEP will vote on Tuesday.
MEPs will debate the future of Europe with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on Tuesday morning.
Later that day, MEPs will vote on the reform of the EU's emissions trading system (ETS) to help combat climate change.
On Wednesday, MEPs will propose the redistribution of Parliament seats among EU states for the next European election in 2019. A new distribution is needed as a result of Brexit.
Members will decide on Tuesday the mandate of a special committee that will look into the EU’s authorisation procedure for pesticides and on Thursday its composition.
Also on the agenda is a debate on Monday about reported diesel exhaust tests on humans and monkeys sponsored by German carmakers and a debate on Tuesday on the human rights situation in Turkey, as well as on its military offensive against Kurdish fighters in Syria
Ref.: 20180126STO94141