'We will be standing for the elections to the EP jointly because we would like to continue cooperating after several years of our successful and fruitful work. Our parties are supported by more and more electors and they are not only representatives of national minorities, but Lithuanians too. Members of our parties are honest, they have not been involved in any corruption scandal. We can enjoy the support of electors in almost all the regions of Lithuania, 'said V. Tomaševski justifying the decision on joint participation in the EP election campaign.
Irina Rozova, Member of the Seimas, vice-chairwoman of the Alliance of Russians, stressed that this decision can be also justified by the experience of the members of both parties.
'Our achievements and results show, that joint participation in elections was a right decision. We assess the work of Valdemar Tomaševski in the EP as great. Representatives of both parties are experienced in opposing the phenomenon of forced assimilation. There are also drawbacks of globalization, therefore our experience is necessary in the European Parliament, i.e. so French would still be French, Germans – Germans, and Lithuanians – would remain Lithuanians, ' said I. Rozova during the conference.
Both EAPL and the Alliance of Russians are open to the offers of another political forces regarding the joint participation in the election campaign. 'If another parties are willing to join us, we are open to their propositions. I would like to note that, for example, we have been cooperating with Lithuanian People's party during the elections to the Seimas in 2012, ' V. Tomaševski mentioned.
Representatives of both parties stated that there are real chances of getting two seats in the European Parliament having in mind the growing support of electors.
When the journalist of our website asked for the reasons why the EAPL faction, as the only one in the ruling coalition, voted against the salaries increase for members of the Seimas, V. Tomaševski said, that there cannot be even any talks about that until the level of pensions reaches the pre-crisis level. The EAPL leader also added that it was a deliberate decision and the pensions were drastically reduced in 2009 when the conservatives were ruling. 'Ironically, namely the representatives of the former liberal-conservative coalition, which are guilty of all the situation, are now supposedly defending victims, 'V. Tomaševski presented the EAPL position on this issue.
Elections to the European Parliament will take place on 25th May 2014.\