Vice Minister of National Defence Vytautas Umbrasas welcomed the Army Attaché and stressed that “Ukraine will not be left to fight for the value and freedom of all of us alone; we appreciate Ukraine’s decision to appoint a land force attaché as a sign of recognition of our support and cooperation, and we will continue our assistance in your country’s fight for independence and territorial integrity.”
Ambassador of Ukraine in Lithuania HE Volodymyr Yatsenkivskyi thanked for the constant support in Ukraine’s fight for democratic values. Lt Col A. Stepanov said that “the peoples of Lithuania and Ukraine have been fighting against common enemies shoulder to shoulder since long ago” and promised to work to contribute to a stronger security and stability in the region while in Lithuania.
The event was also attended by Defence Attaché of Ukraine to Lithuania Col Oleksandr Koberskyi.
The Army Attaché of Ukraine will assist the Defence Attaché of Ukraine in the coordination and implementation of the bilateral defence cooperation of Lithuania and Ukraine.
Lt Col A. Stepanov is a graduate of the National Defense University of Ukraine, he also studied in the United States of America, Turkey, and Croatia. He took part in the United Nations mission in Liberia. Before the present appointment Lt Col A. Stepanov served with the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kiev.
Defence Attaché of Ukraine in Lithuania Col Oleksandr Koberskyi (accredited as of 22 September 2016) is based in Vilnius, he is also the Defence Attaché to Latvia and Estonia. Lithuania has been appointing defence attachés to Ukraine (based in Kiev) since 2004.
Lithuania supports the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and its European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Cooperation with Ukraine is one of Lithuania’s priority foreign and security policy areas.
Lithuanian-Ukrainian defence cooperation
Lithuania supports independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine from the beginning of the Russian military aggression in 2014, and provides all kinds of possible and legally permissible assistance, including military. Lithuania handed over to Ukraine parts of weaponry and unused ammunition. Lithuanian healthcare institutions are providing care for Ukrainian troops injured in the Anti-Terrorist Operation, alongside allies Lithuania is helping Ukraine to reform and train its armed forces.
Lithuania and Ukraine have been developing bilateral defence cooperation since 1994. Both countries’ soldiers are taking part in different military exercises in Lithuania and Ukraine, Ukrainian troops study at the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, MD Jonas Basanavičius Military Medical Training Centre, Division General Stasys Raštikis Lithuanian Armed Forces School. Lithuania also provides financial support to Ukrainian soldiers’ studies at the Baltic Defence College.
Lithuania’s military instructors have been assisting in training Ukrainian forces since August 2015. On 1 July 2017 a military training mission was established in Ukraine with the staff of 40 instructors. On 3 October 2017, tomorrow, a new group of instructors serving with the Lithuanian Grand Duke Butigeidis Dragoon Battalion, Motorised Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf, will be formally deployed to Ukraine tomorrow.
Lithuania has been delegating military advisors to Ukraine to help with defence reform since 2016, a strategic-level advisor is posted to the Defence Reform Advisory Board, renders other kinds of expert consultations. Representatives of the Ministry of National Defence actively participate in the events of the NATO Contact Point Embassy in Ukraine (the function the Lithuanian Embassy has been implementing since 2015).
Lithuania together with Poland and Ukraine established a trilateral brigade, LITPOLUKRBRIG, headquartered in Lublin. It was opened on 31 August 2015 and was declared to have reach full operation capability during Exercise Common Challenge on 15 December 2016.