The President has also expressed gratitude to the American officials for their professionalism and personal contribution in enhancing cooperation between Lithuania and the United States. In their high-ranking positions at the U.S. Department of Defense, James Joye Townsend and David Bradley Millner understood the exceptional geopolitical situation of Lithuania and undertook initiative to enhance our national security and ensure defensibility of our region. The state decorations were conferred on these officials by the Decree of July 6.
The President and the U.S. defense policy strategists have also discussed security situation in the region. United States’ involvement in the Baltic region carries a strategic importance.
Townsend was decorated with the Cross of Officer of the Order for Merits to Lithuania for his personal contribution in shaping U.S. policy in Lithuania’s favor – the decision to commission U.S. rotational forces to Lithuania and station military equipment as well as ensure financial support for the development of Lithuania’s national defense capacities were taken through his efforts. Townsend also advocated for Lithuanian energy independence from Russia and the establishment of NATO’s Energy Security Center of Excellence in Lithuania.
Col. Millner was decorated with the Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania for merits in developing bilateral strategic cooperation in defense and his efforts to establish U.S. security commitments in Lithuania. The official made personal contribution in developing the plan of U.S. deterrence measures in our region and consistently supported the continuity of the Atlantic Resolve. Col. Millner was former U.S. Defense Attaché in Lithuania.