On 21 September, Lithuania’s Foreign Minister will meet with the Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan and with the Major General Ricky Waddell, serving as the Deputy National Security Adviser to the U.S. President. The meeting will discuss issues of bilateral cooperation between Lithuania and the U.S.A., and the transatlantic agenda.
On the same day, Lithuania’s Foreign Minister will take part in an annual forum organized by the Centre for European Policy Analysis. Linkevičius will give a speech on transatlantic cooperation and security in the region. The centre is dedicated to the study of Central and Eastern Europe.
On 22 September, Linkevičius will also discuss security issues in a discussion with representatives of U.S. expert organizations at the Embassy of Lithuania and a bilateral meeting with the President of the Brookings Institute Strobe Talbott. Lithuania’s Foreign Minister will also visit the United States Holocaust Memorial, where he will pay tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust – Lithuanian Jews.