On Monday the civil liberties committee discusses how to improve the exchange of information between EU countries with Dimitris Avramopoulos, the commissioner responsible for migration, and Krum Garkov, president of the EU-Lisa agency, which is responsible for managing IT systems in the area of security and justice, such as the Schengen and asylum-seekers databases.
Current threats and security challenges are debated by the civil liberties committee on Thursday with Julian King, the commissioner responsible for security. According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, 80% of Europeans wants more EU measures to tackle terrorism.
The next UN Climate Change conference (COP23, which takes place in Bonn this November, will focus on the implementation of the Paris agreement. On Thursday the environment committee votes on its contribution to the conference.
The legal affairs committee discusses on Thursday the effectiveness of EU rules to prevention and repair environmental damage. Members are also expected to propose improvements to the environmental liability directive.
Ref.: 20170901STO82903