Among the items discussed were the fight against illegal tobacco products business, as well as capacity building and international trade promotion.
"We greatly appreciate World Customs Organization's efforts to strengthen customs cooperation in the fight against trafficking and fraud and support initiatives aimed at preventing illegal tobacco business. The fight against illicit tobacco trade is one of the priority areas of the Lithuanian Presidency of the European Union. This is becoming a global problem, and Lithuania as well as other countries seeks to implement the Convention on Tobacco Control at the national level," – said the Prime Minister.
In his meeting with the Secretary General K. Mikuriya, the Lithuanian Prime Minister has pointed out the importance of promoting legal foreign trade. According to Prime Minister A. Butkevičius, effective and efficient work of customs authorities has a positive effect on economic growth and competitiveness. Effective procedures and working methods must be applied by the customs authorities at the both sides of the border. In this respect, the revised Kyoto Convention is an important instrument for the world to streamline customs operations, apply modern procedures, effective customs control, thus facilitating trade and free movement of goods. Exchange of information between customs authorities is also among the measures aimed to facilitate trade.