MEPs welcomed the focus of the Estonian EU Council Presidency on boosting innovation and taking advantage of opportunities that the digital revolution offers. They stressed that migration, climate change, safety and security, and social inequality are the key issues that citizens want addressed. They also urged the Presidency to continue to fight tax avoidance and for more engagement with regions beyond EU borders.
G20 summit
In the discussion on G20 summit priorities, MEPs stressed that, in the spirit of former chancellor Helmut Kohl, the upcoming G20 should allow countries to always keep the conversation open and seek solutions. The G20 is also an opportunity for the EU to lead on how to create fair globalisation, they said.
Climate change, global trade and employment were among the topics debated with Council and Commission in preparation of the G20 meeting to be held in Hamburg 7-8 July. Migration and refugee flows and counter-terrorism are also on the agenda of the world leaders’ meeting.
Ref.: 20170629IPR78635