On Wednesday, MEPs debated US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement. During the debate Parliament President Antonio Tajani said: “Simply put, the US administration’s decision is a mistake. By working together with nations around the world we can successfully deliver a cleaner and safer planet to our citizens." Read also our interview with environment committee chair Adina-Ioana Vălean on this topic.
On the same day MEPs adopted new legislation that will make it possible to create binding targets per country for sectors not covered by the EU carbon market in line with the EU's commitments under the Paris climate change agreement. Under this legislation, also known as the Efforts Sharing Regulation (ESR), these sectors will have to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030 compared to the 2005 baseline levels.
MEPs approved on Tuesday simplefied labelling to show the energy efficiency of household appliances. The new labelling, whic could come into use by the end of 2019, should enable consumers to reduce their energy bills.
In a ceremony on Tuesday, Parliament marked the 30th anniversary of the EU’s Erasmus student exchange programme. Since its launch in 1987, more than nine million people have been able to study, work and volunteer abroad with the help of Erasmus+. Check out our Facebook live interview on the anniversary.
Digital economy
On Thursday, MEPs called for clear rules, fair competition and respect for workers’ rights in the sharing economy, which involves companies using on-line platforms to match service providers and consumers. The sector has been growing rapidly, but it has also attracted controversies over poor working conditions.
MEPs adopted on Thursday an own-initiative report on online platforms and the digital market, which among others calls on online platforms to allow users to report fake news and urges the European Commission to look into legal measures to limit fake news.
Other issues
Serbia and Kosovo must make more effort to come together and get closer to the EU, while FYROM should commit to robust European reforms, MEPs said. They also welcomed the recent improvement in relations between Serbia and Kosovo, as well as progress in adopting EU law.
Women receive a pension that is up to 40% less than that of men. To narrow the gap, gender inequality in employment and pay need to be tackled better, for example through education and giving incentives for men to use their parental leave, MEPs said.
MEPs questioned the safety assessment of glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide, during a discussion with European Commission representatives on Tuesday, with some even calling for it to be phased out.
MEPs adopted a full list of countries hosting European Capitals of Culture in 2020-2033 on Wednesday.
The EU’s cohesion policy, which supports initiatives in underdeveloped regions, should be adequately funded after 2020, said MEPs in a resolution adopted on Wednesday. In addition procedures should be simplified and synergies improved to help reduce regional disparities.
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