The Resolution states that citizens’ interests and rights are particularly important during the negotiations on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. For this reason, Lithuania urges the UK to ensure the protection and continuity of the rights of the Lithuanian nationals living, working, studying and building their lives in the UK, and assures that it would make every effort to adequately protect the rights of UK citizens in the EU and Lithuania.
The Resolution stresses that, notwithstanding its decision to leave the EU, the UK remains a strategic partner of the Republic of Lithuania. The expectation is expressed that the EU and the UK will continue maintaining close relations based on equivalent rights and obligations.
The Resolution conveys the thanks of the Seimas to the UK for its continuous and resolute support rendered to the Baltic States in consolidating democracy, strengthening their national security and economy, and striving for membership of the EU, NATO and other international organisations.
The Resolution emphasises that the obligations assumed by the UK during the EU membership must be fulfilled to avoid negative effects on the multi-annual EU budget and the financing of programmes important to Lithuania.
In its Resolution, the Seimas calls on the Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to seek to maintain the closest possible cooperation on citizens’ rights, political and economic matters, and security and defence policies during the EU-UK negotiations. The abovementioned institutions are invited to regularly and comprehensively inform the Seimas of the progress of the negotiations between the EU and the UK and the results achieved.