Legal highs
The civil liberties committee votes Thursday on new rules to tackle legal highs, including tighter risk assessment deadlines and speeding up the process of added suspected drugs to the list of illegal drugs.
Development goals
Goals for sustainable development will be discussed at a meeting of the development and environment committees on Wednesday, which will feature several speakers promoting the goals on behalf of the UN, including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus and Unilever CEO Paul Polman. The talks will focus on what the EU is doing in this area.
Double taxation
The economic committee votes Thursday on proposals to create a mechanism helping firms involved in disputes over being taxed in two different EU countries. Every year there are more than €10 billion worth of such disputes in the EU.
Refugees in Italy
The civil liberties committee discusses on Thursday how to improve the situation of refugees in Italy, which is where many of them arrive in the EU.
Bolivian president
Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia, will meet Parliament President Antonio Tajani and the members of the foreign affairs committee and the human rights subcommittee on Thursday.
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