The Code establishes that a person, who directly or indirectly collects, accumulates or provides funds or other assets or provides other material support to another person, with knowledge or with intent that the assets, support or part thereof would be used not only for the commission of a terrorist crime or a terrorist-related crime (as defined in the previous Criminal Code) but also for the organisation of a terrorist crime or a terrorist-related crime, will be punished by a custodial sentence for a term of up to ten years. The same punishment applies when support is provided not only to one or more terrorists, but also to a group that has the aim to commit terrorist crimes, or persons or groups who recruit and train terrorists or otherwise participate in terrorist activities.
Individuals who not only train terrorists but also systematically collect special knowledge or acquire special skills necessary for the organisation and commission of a terrorist crime or participation in a terrorist crime, with a view to using the acquired knowledge or skills for terrorist purposes, will be punished by a custodial sentence for a term of up to seven years.
The Code is also amended with a provision stating that a person who arrives in the Republic of Lithuania or another state with a view to organising or committing a terrorist crime, or participating in a terrorist crime, or training terrorists, or receiving training for terrorist purposes, or participating in the activities of a group that has the aim to commit terrorist crimes, will be punished by a custodial sentence for a term of up to five years.