The return of migrants without the right to stay in the European Union is up for debate in the civil liberties committee on Tuesday. The European Commission recently proposed reforms to the existing rules on the return of migrants. They include more financial support for EU countries, improving the exchange of information, and the conclusion of negotiations on readmission agreements with African and Middle Eastern countries.
Ways to cut food waste in half by 2030 will be proposed by the environment committee on Tuesday. Annually 88 million tonnes of food goes to waste in the EU. The proposals are part of the ongoing talks regarding legislation on the circular economy and waste management.
In developing countries one in three girls under 18 is forced into marriage. On Tuesday, the subcommittee on human rights and the committee on women’s rights holds a joint hearing on child marriages.
On Monday, the foreign affairs committee discusses the EU’s strategy for Syria and the results of the Brussels donor conference held on 4-5 April. European External Action Service Secretary-General Helga Schmid will be in attendance.
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