The Law establishes that violence against the child is direct or indirect intentional physical, psychological and sexual behaviour with respect to the child by carrying out certain action or inaction; ignoring his/her honour and dignity and his/her neglect, which harm the child’s life, health, and development.
The above amendments define the forms of violence against the child: physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence and neglect.
Physical violence is defined as direct or indirect intentional physical actions against the child, including corporal punishment, which cause him/her pain, harm or threaten his/her life, health, and development, or harm his/her honour and dignity.
Psychological violence is permanent violation of children’s right to individuality, his/her humiliation, intimidation, bullying, interfering with the activities essential for the child’s development, promotion of anti-social behaviour or other non-physical contact or behaviour harming or endangering the child’s life, health, and development or harming his/her honour and dignity.
Sexual violence will mean engaging in sexual activities with a child who, in accordance with the relevant legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, has not reached the age of sexual consent, or engaging in sexual activities with a child where coercion, force or threatening, or abuse of trust, authority or influence over the child is used, including within the family, or when abuse occurs in a particularly vulnerable situation for the child, notably because of his/her mental or physical disability or in a situation of dependence. Such violence will also be recognised in cases of children’s exploitation for prostitution purposes, child pornography, children’s recruitment for or their forced involvement or engagement in pornography, pornographic displays or other forms of sexual exploitation, and child abuse.
Child neglect is defined as permanent failure to fulfil or negligent fulfilment of the child’s essential physical, emotional and social needs, which cause damage or danger to his/her life, health, and development.
In order to guarantee the protection of the rights of the child, the State thereby has pledged itself to undertake all the appropriate legal, administrative, social, educational and other measures to ensure protection of the child against all forms of violence, including corporal punishment, which he/she may suffer from parents, other legal representatives, or any other care-giver of the child.