Annual EAPL-CFA Conference

2017-01-23, 23:01
Published in Politics
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Annual EAPL-CFA Conference Photo

Annual conference of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance took place in Vilnius on 20th January 2017.

The conference was opened by the leader of the party Valdemar Tomaševski. Activities and plans for 2017 of the EAPL-CFA branches were discussed during the event. Furthermore, the report of the Seimas faction of EAPL-CFA was presented as well as the reports of councillors about their work with voters. And of course, Tomaševski summarized the year 2016, talked about current political situation and the upcoming plans and tasks of the party.

Zbignev Jedinskij, member of the Seimas, chairman of the party branch in the Švenčionys district, talked about the most important works performed in the district in 2016. More than one and a half million euro was granted to a region for investment projects, and more than half a million euro for financing of projects and modernization of buildings of culture. To add, almost half a million euro was allocated for the modernization and renovation of health facilities. Moreover, works on the amount of over one and a half million euro were carried out in the framework of the program of repair and expansion of the local roads network. There was also a pedestrian bridge built in Pabradė for more than 320 thousand euro. Jedinskij also mentioned projects realized from EU funds.

Marija Puč, chairwoman of the party branch in the Trakai district, vice-mayor of the Trakai district, talked about investments and improving infrastructure in the region. In 2016, the local government of the Trakai district has been working on three investment projects in the field of education together with the Association ‘Wspólnota Polska’. Vice-mayor of the Trakai district was happy about the fact, that the secondary school in Paluknys gained the gymnasium name. Moreover, the building of the Cultural Centre in Rūdiškės was finished in 2016, the state of roads was also improved, streets were illuminated, basketball courts in Trakai and Lentvaris and a beach volleyball court in Trakai were arranged too.

‘Education has always been the priority of our actions,’ said Vanda Kravčionok, chairwoman of the party branch in the Vilnius city. She mentioned recent battles for preserving Polish schools in Vilnius. Kravčionok also said, that today the projects, which were initiated during the previous term, are being carried out. One of them is the technical project of the Rossa cemetery. Now only tendering and contracting works are left. Vanda Kravčionok also added that thanks to EAPL-CFA, 15 million euro was saved when buying new buses. She also mentioned, that the new western high road belongs to the projects initiated in the previous term.
Rasa Tamošiūnienė, representing the party branch in the Širvintos district, said, that according to her the completion of the construction of the annex of school in Barskūnai is the biggest success. Rasa Tamošiūnienė also mentioned that together with the Širvintos branch of the Association of Poles in Lithuania she organizes events, meetings, excursions and peregrinations. When speaking about the electoral situation, Tamošiūnienė stressed that the number of Poles’ votes in the Širvintos constituency in the Seimas elections did not decrease when comparing to the results of 2012.

Marija Rekst, mayor of the Vilnius district and chairwoman of the party branch in the Vilnius district was happy to announce, that the local government of the Vilnius district has finalised lots of projects in 2016. She was glad that all the secondary schools became gymnasiums. Moreover, 20 sports fields were built in the district as well as 10 educational institutions; the renovation and modernization of 16 educational institutions was completed and 4 educational institutions were renovated. The local government also purchased 7 school buses for 273 thousand euro and now educational institutions have 36 school buses in total, what makes the district the leader in this regard. To add, Rekst also spoke about investments in road infrastructure, lighting, and water management.

Zdzislav Palevič, major of the Šalčininkai district represented the party branch of the Šalčininkai district. He said that everything or even more, what has been planned, was achieved. He mentioned the achievement of financial stability and reduction of local government debt. Moreover, three investment projects were completed in 2016. They involved the reconstruction of buildings of public institutions. Particular attention has been paid to the modernization and building of new roads and pavements. 8 lines of street lighting were installed. The promises regarding the renovation of apartment blocks were kept - renovation of 11 blocks of flats was completed in 2016. The value of the investment amounted to 2 million 171 thousand euro. Palevič was also speaking about agriculture and said that the progress in this field is noticeable. The matters of education were also positive - all the secondary schools achieved the gymnasium status. Moreover, there is a kindergarten in every county.

‘2016 was a very busy year for all of us. EAPL-CFA Seimas faction was actively taking part in legislative activities, has registered new draft laws, tabled amendments aimed at improving the laws already in force, decisively and consistently held posts in the issues important for the society. Members of the EAPL-CFA faction took part in the meetings with residents and solved their problems,’ said Rita Tamašunienė, chairwoman of the EAPL-CFA Seimas faction. ‘We meet with people from all over the country, sometimes deputies themselves go and meet with local communities,’ she added. According to Tamašunienė, the Seimas elections of 2016 were successful for the party, as the previous positions have been maintained. EAPL-CFA faction members prepared on their own or together with members from other factions 26 legal acts drafts in 2016. The most important are drafts regarding strengthening and supporting families, as well as projects aimed at increasing the incomes of people earning the least and the ones of a retirement age.

The reports concerning the activities of EAPL-CFA councillors in local governments were presented by chairmen of the factions. Antoni Jundo, chairman of the party faction in the local government of Švenčionys dictrict and Renata Cytacka, chairwoman of the party faction in the local government on Vilnius city presented their reports.

When summarizing the conference, EAPL-CFA leader said that a lot has been done and many people were involved in all the activities of the party. He thanked all the active members for their involvement in the achievements of the party.

Tomaševski expressed his satisfaction about the fact regarding the successful for the Polish community completion of the process of accreditation of secondary schools. ‘We have 36 Polish gymnasiums in Lithuania. It makes 10% of all the gymnasiums of the country and this is the effect of hard work. We cannot stop here, we should attract new students,’ said the leader.

When mentioning elections, leader of the party said, that everything was all right in Vilnius and Šalčininkai districts. In Vilnius some 4 thousand votes were lost when comparing to the situation of elections that took place in 2012. But on the other side, there was some increase of number of votes in other parts of Lithuania, e.g. in Kaunas or Panevėžys. It proves that the party and its ideology is becoming more and more popular.

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