Monday 30 January
The European Semester Conference will focus on policy priorities of the 2017 cycle: investment, reforms and responsible government decisions on tax and expenditure, but with the emphasis on social fairness and inclusive growth. Speakers include Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis (Euro and Social Dialogue) and Commissioner Pierre Moscovici (Economic and financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs). The session will be co-chaired by Roberto Gualtieri, Chair of the EP Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee and Claude Rolin, Vice-Chair of the EP Employment and Social Affairs Committee.
Monday afternoon will be dedicated to a debate on how to shape a genuine Economic and Monetary Union.
EP President Antonio Tajani will give the opening address in a plenary session co-chaired by Roberto Gualtieri and Jean Arthuis, Chair of the Budgets Committee.
Tuesday 31 January
Interparliamentary committee meetings will be held in parallel by the:
- Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (Panama papers, Bahama leaks, Banking union and Single Market for financial services),
- Employment and Social Affairs Committee (mobility of workers, importance of labour migration and European Pillar of Social Rights), and the
- Budget Committee (more transparent, fair and democratically accountable ways to finance the EU, recommendations of the high level group on own resources)
In the afternoon, an interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union, co-hosted and co-chaired by the Maltese Parliament, will focus on improving cooperation between national parliaments and the European Parliament to ensure democratic accountability in the economic governance and budgetary policy field in the EU and particularly in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
Speakers include EP President Antonio Tajani, Speaker of the Maltese House of Representatives Angelo Farrugia, Chair of the EU Network of independent Fiscal Institutions José Luis Esctrivá, Member of the Budget Committee of the Italian Senate Paolo Guerrieri Paleotti and Member of the Committee on Budgets of the German Bundestag Norbert Brackmann.
Wednesday 1 February
Wednesday morning is dedicated to two debates:
National reforms and measures fostering growth and jobs, chaired by Silvio Schembri, Chair of the Economic and Financial affairs Committee of the Maltese House of Representatives, and
The role of financial assistance programmes and the European Stability Mechanism in safeguarding the stability of the euro, co-chaired by Silvio Schembri and Roberto Gualtieri, Chair of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee in the EP.
REF. : 20170127IPR60011