"Today Lithuania has concluded its chief and largest mission in Afghanistan. We have joined forces with military and civilian representatives of Denmark, Georgia, Iceland, Japan, U.S.A., Croatia and Ukraine to assist Afghanistan's Central Government in ensuring security, laying foundations of good governance and economic development in the province," Minister of National Defence Juozas Olekas said at the formal ceremony and thanked all the troops and civilian staff who had worked for a better future life of Afghan people and a brighter future of the entire state.
The Minister also thanked the Governor, administration, police and military officers of the province for the dedication and trust they had demonstrated. "You will still have to face many challenges, however, I can see many positive changes that have emerged during the past eight years – that is, what we have achieved by our concerted efforts. I wish you luck and to continue with what we have begun together," the Minister of National Defence said.
The Lithuanian Minister also extended gratitude to all the population of Ghor for their warm welcome and friendship – vital elements of a successful mission. "The gloves that Lithuanian women hand-made for children of Ghor warmed their hands through winters just like drawings of Afghan children warmed the hearts of residents of Lithuania's towns and villages, thus connecting our hearts," said the Minister at the ceremony.
"Several days ago local security forces took over the responsibility for security in the province and today we are handing over our compound to the Afghan National Army. That demonstrates our belief in your future. I believe that your troops will be using this compound both for their convenient work and for concentration on the major goal – securing peace and security in the province," the Minister said addressing Afghan military personnel.
At the ceremony Governor of Ghor S. A. Rahmati thanked Lithuania, Japan, U.S.A. and representatives of other countries and organisations who has been working and serving there to the end of reconstructing stability and security in Ghor. "I particularly thank PRT personnel because your professionalism and sincere work today our security forces are prepared to ensure security in the province independently. I am sure that the people of Afghanistan will memorise your help for ever", the Governor said.
The ceremony included lowering national flags of the countries that cooperated as the PRT-17 – Lithuanian, Georgia, U.S.A. and Ukraine.
Fully functional military compound of the Lithuanian-led PRT with accommodation, sanitary and storage containers, equipment, generators, other buildings, medical equipment and other assets was transferred to 207th Corps of the Afghan National Army, Afghan National Security Forces. This Lithuania's donation to Afghanistan values up to over LTL 15 million.
Lithuanian troops have taught Afghan military to maintain and operate the infrastructure of the compound properly.
The equipment and vehicles that are not essential for continuing the compound activities have been removed gradually since the beginning of 2013. The assets have been transported and are stored in Kabul from where it will be returned to Lithuania with assistance of the U.S. partners.
Personnel of the 17th and the final shift of the PRT are expected to return to Lithuania by mid-September.
The formal transfer ceremony of the PRT compound was attended by high-ranking representatives of Lithuania, Afghanistan and other countries, Commander of the superior command of Chaghcharan PRT, Regional Command West (RC-W), Brigadier General Ignazio Gamba with a delegation, and other representatives of local administration and community.
The Lithuanian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team launched in Ghor province in the summer of 2005 was a civilian-military mission, part of the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).
As the lead nation of a PRT, Lithuania endeavoured at establishing foundations for a consistent and stable development of Ghor province while military presence helped attracting partners for development cooperation as well as ensured proper conditions for implementing vital projects in the sectors of national economy and infrastructure.
The Lithuanian-run PRT-17 included military and civilian representatives from 7 countries: Denmark, Georgia, Iceland, Japan, U.S.A., Croatia and Ukraine.
The PRT compound also accommodated a team completing tasks of the European Union Police Mission (EUPOL). It included representatives of 7 countries: Lithuania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Romania and Finland.
After the withdrawal security in Ghor will pass into the hands of local security forces that the Lithuanian-led PRT have trained – army and police. Since 2010 Lithuanian and other countries' military in Ghor have trained more than 700 Afghan police officers of various ranks and over 200 members of the Afghan National Security Forces.
NATO allies are considering establishing a multinational mission for training, advising and assisting the ANSF As soon as the ISAF mission is completed in the end of 2014. Lithuania intends to continue rendering assistance in Afghanistan in 2014 - 2015 by focusing its military activities on the Afghan National Army and Police. The civilian Lithuanian Special Mission in Afghanistan will also carry on with its activities.
The final shift which has completed the PRT mission in Ghor was formed by the General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion of the Mechanised Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf. PRT's service in Ghor was complemented by Military and Police Advisory Teams (MAT, PAT) which provided consultations for the local security forces in the province. The PRT-17 staff included members from Ukraine and Georgia. Civilian element of the PRT-17 was manned by Lithuanian and U.S. offices representing their respective governments and implementing development cooperation projects and programs.