The draft proposes a cut in the number of Members of the Seimas from 141 to 101.
“We have in mind the Seimas and the number of Members of the Seimas who could manage to perform the duties which are vested in the Seimas by the Constitution, rather than representation of voters by an elected MP. I believe that 101 MPs could easily manage. During the debates and the elections, I have not heard any political party arguing against the cut. On the contrary, throughout the debates all the candidates discussed about doing it,” Mr Karbauskis said.
The draft also proposes organising a regular election to the Seimas in the year of the expiry of the powers of the Members of the Seimas on the second Sunday of March rather than October.
Following the presentation, the draft was approved by 67 votes in favour with 22 votes against and 34 abstentions. The Committee on Legal Affairs was appointed as the lead committee in the deliberation of the draft. The Seimas also unanimously agreed to refer the draft to the Constitutional Commission for consideration.
The deliberation on the constitutional amendments in a plenary sitting is proposed for the Spring Session.