Nadia Murad and Lamiya Aji Bashar, survivors of Islamic State sexual slavery and activists for the persecuted Yazidi community in Iraq, received Parliament’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought during a moving ceremony on Tuesday. The two laureates were also interviewed live on our Facebook page.
MEPs called on the international community to bring about an immediate cessation of hostilities in Aleppo to save the city's remaining civilian population in a debate on Wednesday.
New rules of procedure for the Parliament were approved on Tuesday to help improve transparency and streamline working practices. In addition MEPs’ declarations of financial interests are to be more detailed and potential conflicts of interest will be more closely scrutinised.
In a letter signed on behalf of the political group leaders, President Martin Schulz warned Council President Donald Tusk there would be "grave consequences" if Parliament was not fully involved in the Brexit negotiations.
"Stop inciting fear and hatred of migrants and refugees," MEPs told EU countries in a resolution on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU adopted on Tuesday. MEPs also address concerns about the protection of children online and the rights to free movement and life-saving abortion.
On Tuesday MEPs adopted a ban deep-sea fishing below 800 metres to help protect species as well as an obligation to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems by closing some deep-sea areas to bottom fishing.
MEPs adopted on Wednesday rules to boost rail travel in Europe by helping to reduce ticket prices, increase choice and improve services. The legislation is part of fourth EU railway package.
The leaders of the main EU institutions, including Schulz, signed a pledge on Tuesday to make substantial progress regarding key policies such as employment and migration next year.
On Wednesday MEPs backed a textiles trade deal with Uzbekistan following progress on child labour but urged it to take further steps to end all other forms of forced labour in its cotton harvest, for example by students and civil servants.
REF. : 20161209STO55361