According to the President, the cooperation between our countries does not depend on geopolitical winds – Lithuania has always been and will be with the people of Ukraine and will consistently support its European route.
The Presidents issued a joint political statement to mark the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Ukraine and signed the roadmap of the development of strategic partnership between the two countries for 2017-2018.
Ukraine has managed to comply with the EU requirements for visa free regime even under the conditions of war, and the Ukrainian people will be able to enjoy visa-free travel across Europe as of next year. Lithuania also strongly supports the rapid ratification of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement and the continuation of sanctions against Russia until the Minsk agreements are fully implemented.
“During the last two years, Ukraine has delivered more reforms than in the previous two decades; however, war as well as corruption is slowing down Ukraine’s eurointegration and national development. Both politicians and businesspeople have to understand that the future of the country is more important than personal well-being”, President Dalia Grybauskaitė said.
According to the President, Lithuanian experts assist Ukraine in different areas, and we are prepared to share our experience on fighting corruption.
Ukraine has already established anti-corruption authorities, launched wealth declarations and tax returns, judicial, civil service and defense reforms; it is strengthening its energy independence and improving business climate. However, cases of illicit enrichment, judicial corruption, non-transparent and politicized energy sector and lack of transparent foreign investments still cause public disappointment.
The first wealth declarations and tax returns submitted by Ukrainian politicians and judges have revealed a huge scope of illicit enrichment. The declared savings in cash of the Verkhovna Rada members alone amount to almost 0.5 billion US dollars. Ukraine has already started the first pre-trial investigations into illicit enrichment, and a number of corrupt judges have lost their jobs because of their unwillingness to submit declarations and tax returns.
The President will emphasize the importance of transparent business at the Lithuania-Ukraine Economic Forum in Kyiv with 200 businesspeople from both countries taking part. Ukraine is an important economic partner of Lithuania. Last year, the turnover in bilateral trade amounted to 840 million euros.