“Currently, our region is facing an array of security threats – from conventional to new and emerging hybrid and cyber threats,” said the head of Lithuania’s diplomacy.
Lithuania’s Foreign Minister drew attention to the fact that instead of creating additional regional formats, we had to focus more on upholding our values. “We have enough meetings and cooperation formats, but still fail to respond to crises adequately and in a timely manner,” said Linkevičius.
According to Lithuania’s Foreign Minister, NATO remains a core guarantor of security in the Baltic states and the region. “Lithuania speaks in favour of a closer cooperation between NATO and the EU, and of strengthening regional cooperation in the fields of security and defence, but this should be done through supplementing the Alliance’s activities without duplicating NATO’s own role.”
According to Linkevičius, it is now more important than ever to maintain NATO and the EU’s unity, and to coordinate their actions. “The decisions taken at NATO’s Summit in Warsaw are very important for regional security, so now we need to purposefully implement them,” said Lithuania’s Foreign Minister.
During the visit to Warsaw, Linkevičius visited the office of Rzeczpospolita, which is one of the largest daily newspapers in Poland, and met with its editor-in-chief Boguslaw Chrabota.
The Warsaw Security Forum is one of the most important annual events in Poland, which addresses issues of security policy through an international gathering of prominent politicians, diplomats, journalists and experts who specialize in foreign and security policy.