More seats for EAPL-CFA after the first round than four years ago

2016-10-10, 08:24
Published in Politics
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More seats for EAPL-CFA after the first round than four years ago ©

The parliamentary elections in Lithuania are over. After the first round of the elections the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance (EAPL-CFA) have gained seven seats in the Parliament, five from the national list (about 70 thousand votes or 5,8 percent in the national scale) and two in the single member constituencies. That is more than four years ago in 2012, when there were only six seats. Only one percent was needed in the Nemenčinė constituency to attain the eight seat, where Rita Tamašunienė obtained 49 percent of the votes and will surely win in the second round. Thus the party confirmed the stably high position in the Lithuanian political stage.

The second round of the elections will take place in two weeks in the single member constituencies. EAPL-CFA will have their representatives in three of them and there are big chances of victory. It is a great achievement, considering that in these elections we were dealing with an especially unfavourable situation and strange election incidents.

The Internet connection between the electoral commissions was aborted several times during voting and the online system of votes counting made simple arithmetic mistakes while counting votes and giving the total number of votes cast in the commissions and through the post. Despite the mistakes, the IT system considered them being correct. We should also mention the coordinated, pre-electoral media haunt on the EAPL-CFA and the ordered articles targeting this party.

Despite all the nuisances, the achieved result is another great success of the Polish community in Lithuania. There is no other so well organised Polish community in the world. Its leader is Valdemar Tomaševski who is a good organiser with an innate political sense.

A Holy Mass in the intention of all the people involved in the electoral campaigns of EAPL-CFA will take place in the Church of the Holy Spirit in Vilnius tomorrow (11th October) at three o´clock. ‘We will thank God for giving us determination and strength in carrying out such a wide and honest electoral campaign,’ said the leader of EAPL-CFA, Valdemar Tomaševski.

The Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance would like to thank their voters for their support. The party would like to ensure that they will honestly and in principle defend the rights of their voters.


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