The document was signed by Defence Minister of Slovakia Peter Gajdoš, and representatives of the establishing countries – Minister of Defence of Latvia Raimonds Bergmanis, Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom Michael Fallon, Ambassador of Hungary HE Harry Alex Rusz, and Head of the MoD Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Department Saulius Gasiūnas on behalf of the Minister of National Defence.
The Trust Fund was established in Brussels on 2014 November 18 by Defence Ministries of four countries - Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and the United Kingdom. As agreed by the establishing nations, the fund is administered by the Ministry of National Defence of Lithuania.
The total of roughly EUR 186 thousand was transferred to the fund by the establishing nations in 2014-2016 (EUR 67 thousand from Lithuania). Luxembourg’s Ministry of Defence has also contributed to the fund.
The Trust Fund is used to support participation of Georgian and Moldovan representatives in EU missions and operations, such as European Union Training Mission in Mali (EUTM Mali) and European Union Military Advisory Mission in the Central African Republic (EUMAM CAR), in pre-deployment training, and different courses.
The Trust Fund was established to provide financial support to the partici;ation of Eastern Partnership countries’ institutions in military events, operations, and other activities of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy.