The summit in the capital of EU presiding country Slovakia is held without the United Kingdom.
The President underlined that the European Union had reached the breaking point and needed to decide on the vision for its future, diagnose the main problem areas, remedy and improve them.
According to the President, trust in the European Union will be restored only when European people become convinced that their expectations are heard and when they see concrete results achieved in overcoming the migration crisis, fighting terrorism, securing EU internal and external security, and boosting economic growth.
In this moment of crucial importance, the President said, EU member states must maintain unity, focus on things that connect them and not allow divisions to develop.
The summit’s agenda also includes the process of ratifying the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the complicated situation in Bulgaria at the EU’s external border with Turkey due to increased flows of migrants there.
Member states responded to Bulgaria’s request for assistance and intend to contribute to the security of that border. Lithuania plans to delegate 10 border guards to Bulgaria and to allocate 41 thousand euros in support funds.