Just after the mass, the electoral convention of EAPL-CFA took place. Leader of the EAPL-CFA Valdemar Tomaševski greeted all the gathered members and supporters from Vilnius, Šalčininkai, Trakai, Švenčionys, Širvintos, Elektrėnai, Ignalina, Zarasai districts and cities of Visaginas, Kaunas, Druskininkai, Klaipėda and of course Vilnius.
Valdemar Tomaševski, chairman of the party and the chief of the central electoral headquarters, has presented main directions of the electoral campaign. The priorities of the EAPL-CFA are Christian values, social justice and honest politics.
The party has already prepared and registered numerous draft laws of great importance for every inhabitant. Here are only some of them - monthly benefit of 120 euros for second and each subsequent child in a family, increase of pensions by 20 percent by their indexation - aligning the amount of the base pension to the average monthly salary. In order to obtain additional funds for the implementation of the above-mentioned draft laws EAPL-CFA proposes to introduce a bank tax and commercial centre tax. Moreover, the party would like to introduce the Family Charter to families having many children, reduce VAT for the most necessary food, and introduce free medicines for people older than 75 years old. EAPL-CFA also aims for preserving the chain of general education schools.
Rita Tamašunienė, chairwoman of the EAPL-CFA Seimas faction, who is leading the 141-candidate list said that the party is on the road to victory.
The Chairwoman stated that this is going to be a hard work, the aim of which is to restore faith in good intentions of the ruling coalition, as citizens of Lithuania are tired of politicians being not sensitive and not honest enough. She has mentioned the recent corruption scandals in which politicians were involved and underlined, that the EAPL-CFA is a good exception and new quality in politics.
‘We take part in the election as the only honest politicians. Our policy is based on moral values. So help us God,’ said R. Tamašunienė.
Irina Rozova from the Alliance of Russians told that the cooperation with EAPL-CFA is based on mutual understanding and trust. She also expressed her hope of EAPL-CFA succeeding in the elections. All the team leaded by the Chairwoman of the Alliance of Russians Tamara Lochankina has joined the electoral convention of EAPL-CFA. The Alliance members came from Klaipėda, were they enjoy respect and hold responsible positions.
Gediminas Janavičius, EAPL-CFA candidate, said that he was born in the Širvintos district but has been living in the Vilnius district for many years. He works in the administration of the Vilnius district local government in the area of agriculture. ‘I can see the efforts of local authorities. I can see that their actions are reflected in the increasingly improving infrastructure and sensitive social policy, education. Much has been done,’ said Janavičius. He also added that he is grateful for the residents that his candidacy, as a Lithuanian not from the party, has been submitted.
President of the Association of Poles in Lithuania, member of the Seimas Michal Mackevič stressed that we all work for Lithuania. We love our state and want to fight for the honest politics and justice.
Rafael Muksinov, councilor of the city of Vilnius from the ‘Bloc of Valdemar Tomaševski’, has philosophically and metaphorically rated, that the number ‘11’, that has been drawn by the party, has to be interpreted not as ‘eleven’, but as double first numbers. ‘EAPL-CFA is first twice, because it consists of people, completed jobs and plans. The strength of the party is hidden in the fact that it thinks about the future of Lithuania. Polish society in Lithuania is lucky thanks to Tomaševski who is a charismatic politician, very good person, a personality of high moral values. Such people are no longer born,‘ stated Muksinov. He said that he is happy to work in the EAPL-CFA faction in the council of the Vilnius city.
‘Poles in Lithuania show social courage, they are not afraid, they are professional and have high moral values. EAPL-CFA not only protects the rights of Poles, but also stands for issues important for the whole Lithuania and successfully acts at EU level,’ said Muksinov.
At the end of the meeting priest Juzef Aškelovič blessed the new logo of the party, its mottos and number 11 and wished the deputies of EAPL-CFA still defend the Church, family and school.
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Politinė reklama. Apmokėta iš Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcijos-Krikščioniškų šeimų sąjungos rinkiminės sąskaitos. Rengėjas LLRA-KŠS. Užsakymo Nr. 160901