That fundamental decision, i.e. the joint participation of Lithuanian and Danish soldiers in the U.S.-led operation in Iraq, was agreed by the Lithuanian Minister of National Defence Juozas Olekas and the Minister of Defence of Denmark Peter Christensen.
“Our contribution to the international efforts of fighting ISIL is our contribution to international efforts to solve security challenges in the South and to ensure stability in the region, while the fact that we are joining the efforts as part of the Danish contingent is the result of our close and intense cooperation in international operations in Afghanistan and Mali and in international exercises, as well as a demonstration of our forces’ readiness to act side by side,” Minister of National Defence J.Olekas says.
Minister of National Defence J.Olekas presented Lithuania’s plans at a meeting of foreign and defence ministers of the Global counter-ISIL coalition in Washington (U.S.) on July 20. The ministers discussed the progress achieved in the military campaign against ISIL in Iraq and Syria, and further actions and capabilities needed for stabilisation, retention and rebuilding of the territories ISIL devastated in Iraq after seizing them. The ministers also addressed the advance and further coalition’s assistance to the development of the govern-controlled security forces of Iraq who bear the main load of land fight against ISIL in Iraq.
Lithuanian soldiers are deployed to Iraq on the basis of the resolution of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania adopted on June 29 authorising deployment of up to 30 civil servants and soldiers to Operation Inherent Resolve.