Emanuelis Zingeris, Chairman of the Seimas Group for Inter-Parliamentary Relations with the United States of America, and Marijus Velička, Vice-Minister of National Defence, participated in the meeting, too.
Much attention was devoted to preparation for responding to arising threats and to implementation of energy projects in Lithuania. Mr Minister thanked the US Congressmen for the United States contribution to strengthening Lithuanian and regional security, for the European Reassurance Initiative passed by the Congress, underlined the significance of the transatlantic link and the need to strengthen US leadership in Europe, and noted that it was important to coordinate transatlantic actions by maintaining the principled line vis-à-vis Russia.
Republican representative for Utah Jason Chaffetz, Chairman of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, heads the bipartisan delegation of the US Congress. The aim of the visit is to learn about the security situation in the region, to enhance strategic ties and reiterate the commitments to its partners. The eleven visiting Congressmen represent the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, the Committee on Ways and Means, the Committee on the Budget, and the Committee on Financial Services.
The US Congressmen will also visit the NATO Force Integration Unit in Vilnius and meet with the US troops deployed in Lithuania. Upon their arrival, the members of the US Congress delegation took part in the event to mark the anniversary of the Welles Declaration, the declaration on non-recognition of the occupation of Lithuania and the other Baltic States. Prior to their visit to Lithuania, the Congressmen visited Romania, Georgia, the Azores, Israel, and Jordan.