Finland seeks more in-depth knowledge of security issues faced by Lithuania and other Baltic countries, discussion over the decisions expected to be made at the NATO Summit in Warsaw that are important to Lithuania, sharing experience of rendering assistance to Ukraine, and also discussion over bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
Finland is a long-standing partner of Lithuania in the area of security and defence which helped our nation develop its armed forces since the re-establishment of independence. Lithuania takes part in bilateral meetings with Finland or multilateral meetings in Baltic-Nordic format annually both at political and military levels. Nordic-Baltic cooperation has grown particularly active after the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of war in Ukraine.
Lithuania and Finland share air and maritime situation awareness data under the ASDE (Air Situation Data Exchange) and SUCBAS (Sea Surveillance Co-operation Baltic Sea) projects. Finland contributes not only to exercises for training air, naval and land capabilities in Lithuania, but also major NATO) exercises (e.g., Trident Juncture).
In 2014 representatives of the Lithuanian Navy took part in Northern Coast, the largest exercise in the territorial waters of Finland.
Also, Alliance’s partner Finland contributed fighter aircraft to aerial drills and QRA actions according to exercise scenario of the second iteration of Exercise Ramstein Alloy this year that took place in the Baltic airspace on June 7-8 to enhance cooperation and interoperability of air forces in the Baltic region.