Minister Linkevičius reiterated Lithuania‘s concerns over the safety standards of the NPP project in Belarus.
"There should be no compromise regarding nuclear safety. Therefore, Lithuania urges Belarus to form the international experts‘ commission to verify the Ostrovets NPP project implementation as was recommended by the Espoo Convention Committee on March 15th. We also demand that Belarus involves international experts in stress-tests, fully complies with the international safety standards and the recommendations by Espoo committee," said the Minister.
According to Vice-President Šefčovič, the Commission is aware of Lithuania‘s concerns regarding nuclear safety. NPP construction has to comply with international standards on nuclear safety. Belarus must ensure highest possible degree of transparency of process (also in view of concerns expressed by neighbouring countries) and carry out national stress tests exercise without delays.
In response, Belarus committed itself to make every effort to dispel any doubt regarding the safety standards, and to start transparent and constructive dialogue in this regard.
The European Commission stands ready to send its experts to Belarus to ensure stress tests and peer review are carried out according to EU standards, said M. Šefčovič.