During the plenary session in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday, MEPs debate a European Commission proposal for an EU-US privacy shield to protect Europeans' right to privacy when their date is being handled by American companies, while still ensuring legal certainty for businesses. On Thursday MEPs vote on a non-binding resolution on this.
The Commission also presents it proposals for improving the digital single market in order to improve access to digital goods and services from other EU countries.
MEPs hold a debate on the proposed energy union, including how to tackle energy povery and ensure consumers get a better deal.
Measures to ensure farmers get sustainable prices for their milk are debated on Thursday. Their income has sharply declined since EU milk quotas ended in April 2015
A resolution on the opportunities and risks of virtual currencies such as bitcoin is voted on Thursday.
Willem Alexander, King of the Netherlands, addresses the plenary on Wednesday in the context of the Dutch presidency of the Council.
The civil liberties committee discusses on Monday two reports by Europol on terrorism concerning terrorism last year and changes in the modus operandi of Islamic State terrorist attacks.
The environment committee votes Tuesday on whether two genetically modified maizes, which would be resistant to certain pests as well as glyphosate, should be approved in the EU.
Open day
The Parliament is holding an open day at its Brussels premises on Saturday.
REF. : 20160523STO28424