'The Lithuanian language has slowly become a hostage due to the political arrangements of the governing coalition. Controversial examination of the Lithuanian language is developing into another country-splitting conflict. Simultaneously, just on the other side of the border Lithuanian schools are being closed. Citizens of Lithuanian must know the price we have to pay because of this situation,' said Lithuania's President.
These findings of the President are seen as particularly inaccurate.
The Lithuanian language is not threatened by national minorities; it became at the risk due to the fact that the leadership of the ruling Conservative party, which ruling was supported by the current Lithuania's President, has resulted in the departure of half a million people, whose children have very limited or no opportunities to learn the Lithuanian language.
In particular, it is necessary to prevent Lithuanians from leaving their homeland instead of causelessly attacking national minorities.
The President Grybauskaitė should be aware of the fact that Lithuanian schools in Poland are being closed under the requirement of the Puńsk region board and the district leader, who has Lithuanian nationality. Therefore, the President's remarks on the subject may be defined only as provocative. Regrettably, government's administration prepares speeches which context does not seek to establish national peace.