A new strategy for migration
In their report Kyenge and Metsola set out a new approach to migration at the European level. At the moment the member state where refugees first enter the EU are responsible for processing their asylum application, but this has led to more pressure on countries looking after the EU's external borders, such as Greece and Italy.
In order to alleviate the pressure on these countries, the two MEPs argue in favour of a resettlement system with binding targets for each member state and call for financial and technical assistance for member states where most of the refugees originally arrive. In addition member states should fulfil their obligations concerning urgent relocation measures and care should be taken to look after children, who are especially vulnerable.
Your questions about migration
Our Facebook fans enjoyed the opportunity to pose questions about migration, which were then answered by Kyenge and Metsola. Many people asked about the report, the refugee crisis and the agreement with Turkey. In their answers, the two MEPs stressed the need to ensure refugees' rights are upheld. They also said Parliament was uncomfortable with the Turkey agreement and would scrutinise its implementation.
REF. : 20160411STO22318