EAPL notes in their program that the protection of the unborn is a very important step towards the improvement of the demographic situation in Lithuania and prevention of extreme, immoral acts and propensities.
"At the moment, there is no law protecting prenatal life in Lithuania. Such law reflects the teaching of the Catholic Church and Pope John Paul II as well as the expectations of the citizens of our state. The law will be a decisive step towards the defense of interests that are vitally important to our country in the field of demography and social morality. During the analysis of the legislation of other countries we have explained that the proposed law is accepted in some EU countries (Ireland, Poland, Malta) a long time ago. During the implementation in Ireland, Poland and Malta the law did not encounter any unforeseen difficulties with the exception of opposition of liberal-minded part of society" – said member of the EAPL parliamentary fraction Zbigniew Jedziński.
The project's was supported by 46 members of the Seimas in the first reading, 19 were against, 25 refrained from voting.
The draft Law contains the basic principles of protection of prenatal life – the statements that human life begins with the moment of life conception and that all questions relating to the protection of prenatal life should be resolved by giving priority to the rights of the child in the prenatal stage, except two cases:
1) when the pregnancy threatens the life or health of woman;
2) when there is a reasonable suspicion that the pregnancy is a result of criminal activity.
In a united statement, representatives of traditional religious communities in Lithuania expressed opposition to abortion and stressed that abortion is always taking a life of a particular person.
It's no right to kill!
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