It has to be noted, that the EAPL has prepared and registered the draft law on the protection of unborn children yet in 2005. The success was achieved and the draft law was presented in the Seimas of Lithuania in 2008 after several years of blocking the law by the liberal-left. After the draft law was presented by the EAPL leader, member Valdemar Tomaševski, it has obtained the majority of votes at the first reading in the Seimas and later in the Committee on Human Rights also. Unfortunately, the draft law has not been discussed during the next term mainly because of the passive attitude of the ruling majority in this matter.
Today there is another chance to get the majority of votes of members at the first reading. The draft law on the protection of unborn children will be presented by the vice-chairman of the EAPL, member Zbignev Jedinskij. The vote will take place at around 2 pm (GMT+3:00).