Lithuania understands responsibility for Europe’s future

2013-05-09, 12:46
Published in Politics
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President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė attended the Charlemagne Prize Forum "Europa - quo vadis?" This traditional forum - the eighth already - taking place on the eve of the award ceremony, brings together under one roof around 80 prominent and influential representatives from political, economic and academic communities across Europe.

The objective of the forum is to draw attention to the challenges Europe is facing and possible solutions to tackle them. This year's discussion focused on the place Europe occupies in the global economy and measures to boost economic growth.

"Efforts of each and every member state are needed to overcome the crisis in Europe. As long as we are on board of the same ship, we all are responsible for it. Only we ourselves can bring positive changes. Nobody can solve our problems but ourselves. Lithuania's example demonstrates that financial discipline, economic growth measures and structural reforms have to go hand in hand," the President said.

The participants of the forum and the President discussed the problem of youth unemployment and measures to overcome the crisis. According to the President, very good programs to promote youth employment are in place, they only need to be used. During its Presidency of the EU Council Lithaunia vows to pay special attention to this issue.

According to the President, all EU member states must also pool efforts to seek higher competitiveness of the European Union. Europe should be more open to the world and to its partners. Closer trade relations mean faster economic growth and well-being of the people, and deeper integration with the EU's neighbors means more security.

As the President noted, Lithuania will have to take over the helm of the European Union at a difficult time for Europe.

And Lithuanians understand their responsibility for the future of Europe and are not afraid of taking responsible decisions. As this year is designated the European Year of Citizens, the upcoming Lithuanian Presidency will seek more comprehensible wording when speaking about the European Union to its citizens.

Press Service of the President

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