The conference aims to promote economic research in Lithuania and integrate Lithuania's economics community into the global academic environment.
This year's keynote speech will be delivered by Steve Tadelis from the Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley. Steve Tadelis is a leading scholar in Industrial Organization and his research primarily revolves around e-commerce and the economics of the internet. From 2011 to 2013 he spent a two year leave at eBay Labs, where he put together and led a group of economists who focused on the economics of e-commerce.
The welcome and opening remarks will be made by Prof. Zigmas Lydeka from the VMU Dept. of Economics and Bank of Lithuania's board member Marius Jurgilas. Papers will be presented by renowned professors and scholars from universities in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, as well as employees of the International Monetary Fund.
The topics of the papers are divided into three themed sessions: Political Economics and IO, Macroeconomic Theory, and Finance and Economics.