MRU abides by the 2021-2023 Strategy for Sustainable Activities approved by the Senate and by the Council. The strategy is based on the following key principles: evidence-based and objectively measurable changes; implementation and maintenance of recognized sustainable performance standards; development of internal standards and practices based on the principle of a learning organization; prioritizing optimal operational processes; development of environmental literacy and environmental citizenship in the university community; Involving the University community and interested groups in the process of creating a sustainable university.
Based on United Nations (UN) recommendations for creating a sustainable university and recognized sustainability standards, changes are implemented in the following areas: commitment and community involvement in activities based on sustainability principles; studies and research; infrastructure and landscape; sustainable consumption and waste management; wellness; social support. Targets are set. Progress is measured annually.
When compiling the “UI GreenMetric“ rankings, international experts evaluate various evidence-based indicators that allow monitoring the achievements of world universities in the fields of studies, research and daily activities of the organization in terms of contribution and impact on the sustainable development of society.
"UI GreenMetric" – is an international sustainability ranking conducted annually from 2010, according to a specific methodology. Universities are awarded a rating that reflects their efforts and progress in reducing their ecological footprint.