Students and employees should study remotely via on-line platforms - lectures and seminars will not take place at the University's buildings. VU employees should also work remotely. If there is no possibility to work at home, follow all recommended hygiene requirements.
Work at laboratories should happen only in the case of a huge material or scientific damage if cancelled. In addition, all planned work trips to foreign countries will be cancelled. Please be cautious and do not plan trips to China, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, South Korea, Iran, Singapore, Japan and other possible areas of the outbreak.
Trips of extreme importance will only be allowed with the permission of the head of faculty/department. If you have recently come back from such a trip, a quarantine of 14 days is mandatory.
Students coming back from ERASMUS+ should quarantine themselves safely at places without shared spaces; therefore, dormitories are unsuitable to quarantine yourselves.
The library's working hours will also change. Libraries will be open on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm, both in the Central Library, the Scholarly Communication and Information Centre (SCIC) and the faculties. Libraries will not work on weekends. Students will not be allowed to work in the library and students will not have access to the reading rooms. Books will be issued, but only after the list of required books has been provided. Working rooms' reservations will be cancelled.
All events during this period should be postponed, held on-line or, if that is not possible, cancelled.
If you have any questions, University’s Department of Communications and Marketing coordinates communication. Please do not hesitate to contact via email .