The Rector is being elected by KTU Council, which has advertised the position on international level. The deadline for submission of documents was 22 April 2016. The Rector is being elected for the term of 5 years; the same person may be appointed for the position for no more than two consecutive terms. The present Rector’s Petras Baršauskas term ends on 31 May 2016.
27 April KTU Senate after evaluating the pedagogical and scientific qualifications of the applicants and their consistency to the University’s requirements has confirmed 5 candidates. However, the Council, after evaluating the rest of the documents, has approved 4.
The candidates (listed further in alphabetical order): Petras Baršauskas, Pablo G. Martinez Lestard, Vidas Raudonis and Alexander A. Suetin will meet with the University’s academic community on Thursday 5 May 2pm at KTU’s Santaka Valley (K. Baršauskas Street 59) at an open meeting of KTU Council.